Since I haven't done a tag lately, why not do one now and I thought this one sounded cool and fun to do and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Waking up: A book that got you out of a reading slump
Mainly anything light and quick to read would give me out a reading slump but I remember after I finsihed reading, Allegiant, I probably had one of the biggest reading slumps in my entire reading career. I picked up The Fill-In Boyfriend since it sounded cute and quick and fortunately and brought me out of my reading slump.
School: A book you had to read for school that you ended up loving
I read this in my sophomore year in high school for my World History class. This book was about a boy who questioned Germany's ways during Hitler's times and it's based on a true story and I thought this boy was so so brave. It's one of the books I'll never forget.
Falling In Love: An author you love so much you want to read all of their books
If you've been in my blog long enough, you would know I absolutely adore Colleen Hoover and her books and I have read all of them and I will read anything she writes because she's so amazing!
Fight: Book with the best action sequences
This books has absolutely NO HYPE. This book is filled with action since it's about conspiracy and all that good stuff. I read this a couple years ago and I only remember very little but I do remember it having a lot of scenes and crazy stuff happening in it. Definitely recommend it!
Break up: A book or series you didn’t finish and do not intend to finish
Again I only read this a couple years ago but I remember I didn't really like it nor did I not enjoy the book. I felt really indifferent about it and I have absolutely no interest in continuing this series.
Hanging With Friends: Book you think everyone else should read

Breakdown: Book that seriously affected you/had you crying
your eyes out
The Tiger Curse series is one of my favorite book series of all time and I'll read anything by her and I remember when I read this I kept saying, no no no no no no no no no no because of that ending and I cried for a good hour. Good times.
Roadtrip: You favorite series (more than 3 books)
I actually don't have a favorite series since there's so much books I love but the one of the series that are the very very very of the list is of course the Percy Jackson series and the Heroes of Olympus series. This books are one of the must fun and enjoyable reads and have the ability to make anyone smile. These books will always always always have a special place in my heart.
Flashback: Your favorite book from 5 years ago

2011 was the start of my reading life and I remembered reading Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens in ebook and it was free so I gave it a read and it became one of my favorite books of all time. I adore this book!
Getting Back Together: What book can you not stop rereading

Wedding: A book that is really special to you
The Chronicles of Nick series will also have a special place in my heart too since I've read this series during a very depressing and sad time in my life and I always read these books to make me feel better and lift me up. I love this series so much!
Moment of Triumph: Longest book you’ve ever read
Death Scene: Book or series you wish had ended differently
Funeral: Book with the best or worst epilogue
I actually can't remember any epilogues at the moment. Sorry!
End Credits: Who do you tag?
I tag everyone since it's a really cool tag to do! I had so much fun doing it. Hope you enjoy this post!
I love this tag!! Fabulous answers. I really need to do this one. I'm behind on tags. :/